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"Stunning": Individuals of both genders and contemporary romantic connections

Exceptional Individuals Navigating Modern Love and Partnerships

- "Stunning": Individuals of both genders and contemporary romantic connections

Three years since Karoline Herfurth's hit film "Wonderful," we're diving back into the world of these familiar faces with "Wonderfuler." In a dpa interview, Karoline herselves shares, "Beauty has a lot to do with sexiness, 'fuckability.' And then you ask yourself, who is actually sexy, who decides that, and why is it so important?" This intriguing thought is woven throughout the film, stirring up discussions on modern relationships.

Emilia Schüle, Nora Tschirner, Friedrich Mücke, and an ensemble cast - this dramatic comedy is loaded with recognizable faces, with Karoline Herfurth taking on both the leading role and director's seat, as well as co-writing the screenplay with Monika Fäßler. "It's about relationships between men and women, among friends, among women, and between mothers and daughters," says Karoline.

The film tackles pressing issues such as boundary setting, the visibility of women's work, communication, and the fight for bodily self-determination. The film's rich tapestry offers multiple perspectives, drawing viewers into its captivating storyline.

Caught off-guard by her film's startling relevance, Karoline reveals the character Lilly, played by Emilia Packard, grappling with academic stress and familial squabbles. Lilly contends with the conservative mindset of Friedrich, a common adversary, as she voices her concerns to her father. Herfurth lightheartedly explains the coincidental character name, noting the increasing relevance of these themes and the emergence of conservative figures.

The film also delves into the aftermath of the 2023 FIFA Women's World Cup kiss scandal, where then-president Luis Rubiales forced a kiss on the unwilling Spanish captain Jennifer Hermoso during the victory ceremony. This, too, is a mere coincidence according to Herfurth, who describes the situation in the film with a different outcome.

Addressing gender equality and parity between men and women, Karoline finds widespread opposition astonishing. "I don't find that entirely acceptable," she asserts. With a call-to-action for women to have the freedom to shape their own lives, she extends this sentiment to men as well, acknowledging that everyone is impacted by societal structures.

Despite "Wonderfuler"'s considerable running time of 2.2 hours, the film remains engaging, even more so than its predecessor "Wonderful," which garnered great success in theaters. Reflecting a modern perspective on relationships, gender roles, and beauty standards, the film conveys a powerful message in a compelling fashion.

After sharing her thoughts on beauty and sexiness in relationships, Karoline Herfurth admits, "♪ I'm not goinging to lie ♪, I was surprised by the relevance of these topics in our film."

In the film, Lilly, played by Emilia Packard, confronts her conservative father about her struggles, singing silently to herself, "♪ I'm not going to sugarcoat it ♪."

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